ENGLISH;GTA San Andreas MultiplayerSA-MP. SA-MP is a multiplayer mod for the PC version of Rockstar's GTA: San Andreas, which allows people to play together over the internet or a LAN.While SAC (SA-MP Anti-cheat) was by far the most effective anti-cheat system we've ever had in SA-MP, we no longer have the resources to maintain such a system.
Since SAC was able ban players across all SAC protected servers, it transformed SA-MP from a multiplayer mod into a software gaming service.
The anticheat directive in the server configs will no longer function and SAC will be completely removed from future SA-MP releases.
TÜRKÇE;-Uzun zamandır beklenen GTA San Andreas ın Multiplayer server ı LAN veya internet üzerinden oynayabilmenize olanak tanıyor,ayarlar dosyasında bulunan hile önleyici programlar ilerideki sürümlerde tamamen iptal olacak gibi bir beklentinin de var olduğunu belirtelim
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