Stunt racing game, developed by independent German studio Moon Byte. Crashday puts you in the world of stunts, dents and adrenaline: whether you prefer to smash your vehicle into pieces with breath-taking stunts or better still prefer to race against your enemies in on custom highspeed race tracks -- maybe you also just want to show your fellow man what a serious head-on collision can be like... The integrated track editor of Crashday builds the basis for all driving areas in the game. You build maps independent of any physical limits and it's up to you to decide whether you put jumps, loops, tunnels or houses onto the track.TÜRKÇE:
Son derece pahalı arabalar inanılmaz detaylı fizik ve hasarlanma modellemeleriyle,bunu sakın kaçırmayın.http://rapidshare.com/files/136176167/Crashday_www.karmalizma.com.part1.rarhttp://rapidshare.com/files/136176215/Crashday_www.karmalizma.com.part2.rarhttp://rapidshare.com/files/136175914/Crashday_www.karmalizma.com.part3.rarrar pass:
ENG:To open all tracks and cars use this save game.
TR:Tüm bölümleri açıp tüm arabaları keyfince kullanmak için bu save i kullanınız:
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